Been several fixers on the market lately, so a client asked if most of the houses in Berkeley were fixers.
We have the exclusive LTC home rating system, and I figured I’d check out the data to see the results
Here are the ratings.. and the count
4 Paw – 422
3 Paw – 649
2 Paw – 71
1 Paw – 14
Hairball -11
So.. it looks like the majority of homes are ranked 3 Paw, and most of the rest are 4 Paw. Fixers and Hairballs are in the minority!
And, you ask, what is our LTC Rating? Why it’s named after Lucy The Cat, our dear, departed Calico. But her spirit lives on in CyberSpace
Email or call 510-526-6668 for more information.
Live update of East Bay Berkeley, Albany, Kensington, Rockridge…homes by neighborhood!
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